יום ראשון

Vayigash, and yosef is dead?!

Did Yehudah lie by sayig that Yosef is dead?

The midrash says that actually yehudah had to lie to tzofnas ponayach because he might ask and demand from yehudah and the brothers to bring him alive.
But the mizrache asks didn’t we learn in the previous parsha that yosef was lost how could the madrash say that they were scared that tzofnas ponayach will request to bring him alive?
Therefore the meshchachmah suggests that actually yehudah didn’t lie but rather he claimed that he is sure that he cannot be alive based on a gamarah and shilchan arroch that a women who claims that her husband  must be dead if he didn’t returned after many years and they always has harmony and love and shalom bayis. 

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