יום רביעי

Planet Earth

Whats in earth

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והארץ נתן לבני אדם

From pole to pole BBC

Planet Earth- Pole to Pole - The most popular videos are here

Planet Earth-Ocean Deep Part 1 - Click here for more amazing videos
Ralbag Rav Levi Crater

יום חמישי

מוסף חול המועד סוכות

האם יש לומר פעמים "ומנחתם" ???
במ"א מובא מה שכתב הלבוש שיש טועים ואומרים רק פעם אחת אבל בנוהג כצאן יוסף חולק על סברותיו ומובא בסידור הגאונים והמקובלים הגרמ"י וויינשטאק וכן באוצר התפילה בעץ יוסף ופלא על המ"ב שלא הרגיש בזה

70 years since ww2

70 אומות העולם
70 פרי החג
70 מספר בני ישראל
70 סנהדרין
70 שנות חבלי משיח
70 תיבות ביענך ה' עד ובא לציון
70 שנים ממלחמת שניה החפץ חיים
70 years since ww2

Lowest SINCE WW2

Economic crisis 'worst since end of World War 2

1939 ww2

WW2 1939 1945

Poland 1939


Iran 2008 = Germany 1939

יום שני

יום ראשון


a pilpul on weather gematrias are a midda which the Torah can be darshened by
to be able to hear the audio download the pdf file and click on the square on the front page.

יום שבת

to avoid Sofek brochos on Birkas Hachama

The Etza is to go to the Yam And recite there עושה מעשה בראשית and יש על מי לסמוך (see beur halacha here)

יום חמישי

Kiddush Hachamah

  1. This year, 5769, is the end of the 28 year cycle on which the vernal equinox falls out on a Wednesday. According to many, the blessing of oseh (ma'aseh) bereishis is made.
  2. Some argue there is no such cycle and the blessing was meant to be done every year on the summer solstice (tekufas tamuz).
  3. Others claim that the bracha was meant for when you see the sun after it was covered by clouds for three days.
  4. The Maharal MiPrag said that the bracha should be recited without shem u'malchus because it's unclear as to when it is meant to be said.
  5. The custom of saying it every 28 years seems to originate from the belief in the geocentric model which was introduced by Aristotle (the Rambam followed this theory and the Vilna Gaon opposed it)
  6. Many poskim did not make the bracha at all, especially the sefardim who lived among the Yishmaelim. (sha'arei teshuva)
  7. The Eitza is to recite the bracha next to the Yam (see beur halacha)

Follow this link to open a pdf file to help you learn more about it. Please post feedback. Yishar Koach.

יום רביעי
